Hi Raj, that's fantastic news. Do you have any code that I can play with?

On 9 Mar 2010 08:16, "Raj Saini" <rajsa...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Chris,

I could manage to run OBFiz entity as OSGi. I have created separate OSGi
bundles for base, entity, start and geronimo components. However, due to
some circular dependencies, I had to merge base and geronimo with entity.
Now, it is possible to run the OFBiz minimal container on top of Equinox
OSGi kernel.

I will we working on creating a small application using entity engine and
OSGi embedded web container (Jetty). Using embedded web container would
allow to create web applications based on OFBiz using other technologies
such as JSF, Struts etc.



> Hi Raj,
> I have some questions / ideas regarding OSGi - shall we use your
> forum ...

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