The cache settings were indeed wrong, it does load em properly now. 

I'm already working on a CSS Editor, however the larger problem is not so much 
how it looks, but what it shows on a page. An example would be the right bar. 
Perhaps that customer A wants to show their phone number, while customer B 
wants a related products colom there. My idea was to let them be able to edit 
the shop in that way, which would be more then CSS can achiev. 

My idea thus far would be to create a seperate component per customer, and 
configure apache to figure out which site goes to which component. 

The end idea of the project is to give customers a ready shop they can use, but 
also that they can edit all the way. They don't like the way it was positioned? 
Just click edit, drag'ndrop it, save, and it's the way they wanted it to be. If 
they want to create for example, a new widget somewhere, then they can click 
new, widget, insert whatever data would be needed and it'd be there, on the 
page they clicked new on. This would give customers a much greater freedom then 
the average webshop would give them. 


Van: BJ Freeman []
Verzonden: donderdag 16 december 2010 5:00
Onderwerp: Re: Widgets and screens

look at the rendering code use by ofbiz to get an html output for the

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
<>  <>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

BJ Freeman sent the following on 12/15/2010 7:54 PM:
> though widgets and ftl give you the components to display, the CSS is
> the final determination of the display.
> you can have (skins) themes that they select from, that are copied to a
> specfic themename for that user, then assigned to them. you could use
> webtools code to import the data, into their db. this ofcourse is a
> customization.
> Going into widgets and ftl's as a WYSIWYG is a Great development tool
> but I would not expect users to be able to create and or modify those,
> especially if your using multi-tenent shared code.
> Getting into the Entities is not something I would allow a user to do.
> you could consider putting a class on each field which could be effected
> by the CSS. the WYSIWYG would then modify the CSS files in the selected
> theme as far as a component/field showing, and placement, as well as
> font and type.
> =========================
> BJ Freeman
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
> <>
> <>
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> David van der Staak sent the following on 12/15/2010 3:55 AM:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to create a functionality which would allow a store owner
>> to dynamically edit their website via a WYSIWYG like editor.
>> The editor itself is nearly complete, but I'm unsure how to save the
>> changes.
>> The thing I thought of first, is try to interpret the files myself,
>> present them in a way the user can edit them graphically, then store
>> the files again. However, to make the changes effective a run-install
>> seems to be needed or at the very least a restart, which is less then
>> desirable.
>> I know the installation of those files is done at some point, and I
>> was hoping to be able to trigger that again or perhaps call it only on
>> the files that have been edited.
>> Could someone perhaps give me a few pointers on where to look?
>> Specifically, i'm editing the .ftl and .xml files which are related to
>> the looks and feel of the ecommerce store.
>> If it's possible to let ofbiz give me an interpretation of the files
>> that'd even be better. I'll have to adjust my editor ofcourse, but
>> that's manageable.
>> Regards
>> David van der Staak

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