On 9/21/07, Pavel Savara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How stable are nightly builds?
> I suppose we will developed new project for a while before it goes live so
> would you recommend to use nightly builds because new version will be out
> soon or should I stick with latest release rather?
> Does it have any advantage to use nightly builds over the latest release
> for new projects?

I would think your best bet is to start with the latest release and see if
it provides the functionality you need. If not, then ask here (or look in
Jira) to see if the functionality has been added in a nightly. I would say
the nightlies are pretty stable at this point as there has not been much
church lately.

We would like to use persistent connection between client and server (Jetty
> Continuation) and sent updates from server to client rather than client
> asking by request all the time probably by using drw Ajax toolkit (Ajax
> continuations). Can you see any possible problems to use this technology
> together with JSF or shale?

If you're just asking about AJAX then I don't see any problems. I don't know
anything about "Ajax continuations" so I can't really help much there.


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