There was a bug in Shale 1.0.4 ( that prevented ajax4jsf
working with shale. It is fixed in the nightly builds. Just waiting on the
release of shale 1.0.5, but the project seems to have stalled.

On 10/3/07, Crabb, Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As soon as I start using Shale 1.0.4, Ajax4Jsf stops working. I believe
> the issue is as follows:
> 1.) Ajax4Jsf depends upon the javax.faces.ViewRoot being an instance of
> AjaxViewRoot.
> 2.) Shale depends upon the javax.faces.ViewRoot being an instance of
> ShaleViewRoot.
> I believe I am correct in saying that my application can only use one
> implementation of javax.faces.ViewRoot; the one being used in my case is
> simply the last jar that is being loaded, which happens to be Shale (I
> could also specify my own ViewRoot in my WEB-INF faces-config and then
> niether AjaxViewRoot or ShaleViewRoot will be used). That being the
> case, is it even possible to use both Ajax4Jsf and Shale in the same
> application?
> Can anyone shed some light on my confusion? Why does Shale override the
> ViewRoot implementation when that immediately stops me from using other
> 3rd party products that override ViewRoot?
> A bit of extra information:
> Shale 1.0.3 does not provide it's own implementation of
> javax.faces.ViewRoot; that being the case, I can successfully use it
> with ajax4jsf.
> Also, I can use ajax4jsf with Shale 1.0.4 if I specify in the following
> in my own WEB-INF faces-config
> <component>
>         <component-type>javax.faces.ViewRoot</component-type>
> <component-class>org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot</component-cla
> ss>
>         <component-extension>
>             <component-family>javax.faces.ViewRoot</component-family>
>         </component-extension>
> </component>
> I believe this works simply because my copy of faces-config.xml is the
> last configuration loaded, so my override takes precedence.
> However, this can break Shale because now Shale sees an instance of
> AjaxViewRoot rather than ShaleViewRoot.
> So I am stuck with not knowing how to make both products work
> simultaneously.

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