I've been successfully using Struts Shale 1.0.3 with MyFaces 1.1.x & Tomhawk 
1.1.x. Now I want to upgrade to MyFaces Core 1.2.x which is a JSF 1.2 
implementation. Can someone please tell me if JSF 1.2 makes some of features in 
Struts Shale Core obsolete - for instance the ViewController mechanism? Will 
Struts Shale work with MyFaces 1.2 seamlessly? 

My code is relying heavily on the shale framework (core) - all my managed beans 
extend the AbstractViewController class and rely on the ViewController calls 
made by the framework to prerender, init & co. I am also using some of the 
validation tags.

I didn't dig up the JSF 1.2 documentation but I think I read somewhere that JSF 
1.2 offers something similar to the ViewController mechanism.


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