
I have been trying to integrate ajaxanywhere 1.2.1 with shale using clay html views. As I understand it so far, the only way to achieve this is to have clay components defined (I am unaware of a simple include taglib directive in html views).

So I downloaded tld2claycfg from the svn and got it working (converted tomahawk 1.1.6 ok) but the clay config that gets generated for ajaxanywhere is blank (just results in: <view/>).
I know it is finding the dependency.

Here is the tld section from the pom.xml in the "\maven\trunk\tld2claycfg\test\target\classes\META-INF" folder:

           <tld implementation="org.apache.shale.Tld">

<mbFilter>(?i).*Listener.*,(?i).*Validate.*,(?i).*Convert.*</mbFilter> <acFilter>(?i).*Listener.*,(?i).*Validate.*,(?i).*Convert.*</acFilter>

           <tld implementation="org.apache.shale.Tld">

<mbFilter>(?i).*Listener.*,(?i).*Validate.*,(?i).*Convert.*</mbFilter> <acFilter>(?i).*Listener.*,(?i).*Validate.*,(?i).*Convert.*</acFilter>

Can someone let me know if I am on the right track or going about this completely the wrong way?

Also, I have no idea about the mb/ac Filters, can anyone enlighten me?


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