Hello Friends:

I generated a Pair RDD with K/V pairs, like so:

>>> rdd1.take(10) # Show a small sample.
 [(u'2013-10-09', 7.60117302052786),
 (u'2013-10-10', 9.322709163346612),
 (u'2013-10-10', 28.264462809917358),
 (u'2013-10-07', 9.664429530201343),
 (u'2013-10-07', 12.461538461538463),
 (u'2013-10-09', 20.76923076923077),
 (u'2013-10-08', 11.842105263157894),
 (u'2013-10-13', 32.32514177693762),
 (u'2013-10-13', 26.249999999999996),
 (u'2013-10-13', 10.693069306930692)]

Now from the above RDD, I would like to calculate an average of the VALUES for each KEY.
I can do so as shown here, which does work:
*>>>**countsByKey = sc.broadcast(rdd1.countByKey()) # SAMPLE OUTPUT of countsByKey.value: {u'2013-09-09': 215, u'2013-09-08': 69, ... snip ...} >>> rdd1 = rdd1.reduceByKey(operator.add) # Calculate the numerator (i.e. the SUM). >>> rdd1 = rdd1.map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]/countsByKey.value[x[0]])) # Divide each SUM by it's denominator (i.e. COUNT)
>>> print(rdd1.collect())
  [(u'2013-10-09', 11.235365503035176),
   (u'2013-10-07', 23.39500642456595),
   ... snip ...

But I wonder if the above semantics/approach is the optimal one; or whether perhaps there is a single API call
that handles common use case.

Improvement thoughts welcome. =:)

Thank you,

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