Hi all,

Has anyone tried out autoscaling Spark YARN cluster on a public cloud (e.g.
EC2) based on workload? To be clear, I¹m interested in scaling the cluster
itself up and down by adding and removing YARN nodes based on the cluster
resource utilization (e.g. # of applications queued, # of resources
available), as opposed to scaling resources assigned to Spark applications,
which is natively supported by Spark¹s dynamic resource scheduling. I¹ve
found that Cloudbreak
<http://sequenceiq.com/cloudbreak-docs/latest/periscope/#how-it-works>  has
a similar feature, but it¹s in ³technical preview², and I didn¹t find much
else from my search.

This might be a general YARN question, but wanted to check if there¹s a
solution popular in the Spark community. Any sharing of experience around
autoscaling will be helpful!


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