An approach I can think of  is using Ambari Metrics Service(AMS)
Using these metrics , you can decide upon if the cluster is low in
If yes, call the Ambari management API to add the node to the cluster.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 2:48 PM, cs user <> wrote:

> Hi Mingyu,
> I'd be interested in hearing about anything else you find which might meet
> your needs for this.
> One way perhaps this could be done would be to use Ambari. Ambari comes
> with a nice api which you can use to add additional nodes into a cluster:
> Once the node has been built, the ambari agent installed, you can then
> call back to the management node via the api, tell it what you want the new
> node to be, and it will connect, configure your new node and add it to the
> cluster.
> You could create a host group within the cluster blueprint with the
> minimal components you need to install to have it operate as a yarn node.
> As for the decision to scale, that is outside of the remit of Ambari. I
> guess you could look into using aws autoscaling or you could look into a
> product called scalr, which has an opensource version. We are using this to
> install an ambari cluster using chef to configure the nodes up until the
> point it hands over to Ambari.
> Scalr allows you to write custom scaling metrics which you could use to
> query the # of applications queued, # of resources available values and
> add nodes when required.
> Cheers!
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Mingyu Kim <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Has anyone tried out autoscaling Spark YARN cluster on a public cloud
>> (e.g. EC2) based on workload? To be clear, I’m interested in scaling the
>> cluster itself up and down by adding and removing YARN nodes based on the
>> cluster resource utilization (e.g. # of applications queued, # of resources
>> available), as opposed to scaling resources assigned to Spark applications,
>> which is natively supported by Spark’s dynamic resource scheduling. I’ve
>> found that Cloudbreak
>> <> has
>> a similar feature, but it’s in “technical preview”, and I didn’t find much
>> else from my search.
>> This might be a general YARN question, but wanted to check if there’s a
>> solution popular in the Spark community. Any sharing of experience around
>> autoscaling will be helpful!
>> Thanks,
>> Mingyu


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