With logic:equal and logic:notEqual the multiple "OR" logic can be done in a
round about way, but I don't think it's recommended. Just use JSTL or use
Niall Pemberton's tag extensions


On 10/13/05, Meenakshi Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All
> I have been working with Struts Framework for some time now. However, I am
> stuck with a problem.
> While writing code in JSP, whenever I want to compare multiple String
> cases,
> I can cod it as below
> <%
> String s="ABC";
> if(s.equals("BC")||s.equals("CD")||s.equals("ABC")){
> System.out.println("s==="+s);
> }
> %>
> I would like to know as to how I would be able to code the same thing
> using struts tags. The available tags that I know for the purpose are
> <logic:equal ...></logic:logic> or else tags.
> Would anyone please help me sort out this problem.
> PS: Please give your suggestions with a code example.
> Thank you & Regards,
> Meenakshi.
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