> Hi all:
> I have a situation where Page1 (/worklist.jsp) has a link which when
> clicked is forwarded to Page2 (/worklist/nextAssignments.jsp). Since I
> have to do some "prerender" work to display my Page2, I have code in my
> backing Bean1's prerender() method.

If you are doing exactly what you describe above, you're doing it wrong. The
only prerender() method that is called is for the view that will actually be
rendered ... in other words, you should put the code in the prerender()
method of Page2, not Page1.

The whole idea is that all the code associated with a particular view should
be in one class (the backing bean for that JSP page). Otherwise, if you had
three different pages that all navigated to Page2, then you'd have to
duplicate the setup logic in three different places.


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