On 12/2/05, Preston CRAWFORD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You may not be marketing anything, Ted. But those of us out in the field
> that work with the decision makers and who help in the decision making
> have to think about these things. It's the reality of living and
> developing in a world where there are so many options.

Hey,  I'm out in the field too, dude! :)

I don't earn my living writing frameworks. I'm paid to develop
applications, just like most everyone here. The same goes for most of
the other committers. We are you.

Most anyone who builds more than one application, starts to build some
type of personal framework. Rather than keep ours under a bushel
basket, we build our frameworks in the light, so that we can exchange
ideas and create a better framework together than any of us would have
built apart. We're not trying to conquer the world or corner the
market. We're trying to ship our own next batch of applications, year
after year.

We also build the documentation and website the same way. Based on
some of the comments everyone made to this thread, and some others
like it, I've added a top-level site FAQ to summarize.

* http://struts.apache.org/kickstart.html

Let us know if there is anything else should be clarified. (Preferably
in the form of a patch.)

The site FAQ is in addition to the Q&A that's been featured on the
home page for several weeks now:

* http://struts.apache.org/index.html#frameworks

Once the Ti/WebWork proposal shakes out, I'm sure well update the home
page Q&A to include it. But, right now, it's just a proposal. It looks
like we are all in agreement, but we still have to prove our
hypothesis with code. Since we are working engineers, and have to eat
our own dog food, we are also from Missouri. :)

* http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/history/slogan.asp


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