A framework, according to the GoF, is a set of cooperating classes
that make up a reusable design for a specific class of software.

A toolkit, according to the GoF, is a set of related and reusable
classes designed to provide useful general purpose functionality.

Essentially, struts has decided to do away with the original
framework, substitute in a toolkit that does chaining and jump in bed
with another framework that is totally unrelated.

The justification for all this strange conduct is that everything is
really an application.  Everything is not an application.  Frameworks
have their own qualities

The history is not right either.  JSF was an old deal with Sun and was
sinking into the sunset years ago when Craig was asked to come aboard.
 Some time later, a long, long time ago, JSF was out but without any
following.  Hence, Craig decided to try to zip up the product by
"borrowing" the Struts branding.  That allowed JSF to act like it was
new, and has even been described as "cutting edge", which is
hilarious, and to get a hearing.

This was not a case where a bunch of people in Struts decided that JSF
was the cat's meow and wanted to go that way.  Most of the people
involved with JSF are transplants with no idea what Struts is about. 
They are tool people looking for a tool fix; a Visual Basic sort of
coding framework.

Anyway, a framework is not a "semi-complete application".  Next we
will hear that TCP/IP is a "semi-complete application".  Some
distinctions are intelligent and should be kept.

On 12/5/05, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>
> IMHO, I don't see the engineering value-add of a "one size fits all"
> framework. A framework is a semi-complete application, and action/page
> applications are built differently than event/component frameworks.
> Since the applications are different, the frameworks should be
> different too.
> Some people in our community want to dive into JavaServer Faces, and
> others want to pursue the tried-and-true action-orientated approach.
> Rather than burn bridges, we're built a bigger roof :)
> -Ted.
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