I should also point out the presentation Ted Husted did at The Ajax
Experience last week which dealt largely with APT.  The slides for that
presentation are here:


I'm not quite sure how long they will stay posted there though, so get it
while it's hot :)


On Wed, October 31, 2007 10:48 am, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
> On Wed, October 31, 2007 10:19 am, Ingo Villnow wrote:
>> i want to call an action by javascript, when a value in a <html:select>
>> field changes. I want to fill my <html:form> with the data provided by
>> the action. Any ideas? I don't know a lot of javascript :-(
> There's a couple if ways you could do that... one would be to call the
> submit() method of the form object, which every form in HTML has, then
> re-render the page with the updated data in the form.  That's of course
> going to refresh the entire page, which I suspect isn't what you want.
> So, AJAX is probably what you want.  Now, how you go about doing that,
> well, there's a few hundred options :)  Because you don't know a lot of
> Javascript, you might want to consider the AjaxParts Taglib (APT) from
> Java Web Parts (JWP):
> http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net
> Direct to APT:
> http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net/javadocs/javawebparts/ajaxparts/taglib/package-summary.html
> If you go to the download page, the cookbook has some examples that are
> very much along the lines of what you're asking for.  If you go that
> route, we'll be more than happy on the JWP mailing list, or forums.
> Otherwise, prototype (http://www.prototypejs.org) is a good, simple
> option, but you will be writing some Javascript.
>> thanks & greetings from Berlin
> hth,
> Frank
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