I didn't see the second half of your message until I'd sent that.

What calls to the setters are you asking about? Do you mean any random property? Are you talking about HTTP parameters?

Have you checked out the commons-beanutils API?

Adam Hardy on 06/03/08 12:47, wrote:
Unless you want to do it via introspection, then a good way would be to set the appropriate actions to implement an interface having that setter.

Then you can use instanceof to see if the action in your interceptor implements your interface. If so, cast it to the interface and call the setter.

I think this is generally the way that many S2 interceptors work. For instance, look at ValidationAware in ParametersInterceptor.


GF on 06/03/08 12:06, wrote:
I want to do a simple thing,
I have an action like this

public class MyAction {
private String myVar;

public setMyVar(String myVar) {
this.myVar = myVar;

Inside my Interceptor i want to put in my Action a string inside myVar
property of the Action.
In few words, I need to discover if the Action has that setter, and if
its parameter type is a "String", in this case I would call that

I know how to write the interceptor but i don't know how to "try" to
set a property on the action.

Can you give me any good link?
I tried to watch the source of : StaticParametersInterceptor  that
should do something like I have to do.

It does:
        // for actions marked as Parameterizable, pass the static
parameters directly
        if (action instanceof Parameterizable) {
            ((Parameterizable) action).setParams(parameters);

        if (parameters != null) {
final ValueStack stack = ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack();

            for (Iterator iterator = parameters.entrySet().iterator();
                 iterator.hasNext();) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
stack.setValue(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue());
                Object val = entry.getValue();
                if (parse && val instanceof String) {
val = TextParseUtil.translateVariables((String) val, stack);
                stack.setValue(entry.getKey().toString(), val);

Where does it call the "action setters"?

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