please see my responses inline.

Il 08/02/2017 15:08, Tech ha scritto:
Hello Andrea,

thanks for your feedback, we are gonna use in this case directly the version 2.0.3. When will it be officially released?

2.0.3 will be released quite soon, not less than a month because there is still much work to do, obviously any help will be willingly accepted ;)

Is there

You can refer to the Jira issue tracker at [1].

a page with all the improvement/bug fixes for this new release?

Welcome and best regards,

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYNCOPE-1004?jql=project%20%3D%20SYNCOPE%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%202.0.3%20ORDER%20BY%20status%20DESC%2C%20priority%20DESC

On 02/02/2017 12:36, andrea wrote:


In addition to what said yesterday starting from version 2.0.3 (currently SNAPSHOT) you can refer to [5] to add, remove, edit USER attributes sorting strategies.

Best regards,

[5] https://github.com/apache/syncope/blob/2_0_X/client/enduser/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/app/js/app.js#L392

Il 01/02/2017 16:22, andrea ha scritto:

Il 01/02/2017 15:13, Tech ha scritto:

Dear all,

Good evening,

please see my response inline.

we created some custom fields, like fname and lname.

We added to the BaseUser class and we have in the order:

  * email
  * fname
  * lname

We log as user to the interface to register a new user, and this order is respected.

We go back to the Console and using the interface "Edit AnyTypeClass BaseUser" we change the order as:

  * lname
  * fname
  * email

We log with the old user, but the order is still the old one.

We create a new user and also in this case the order of the fields is still the old one.

Are we missing any step here?

No, but you have to consider that ordering of attributes on the Enduser Console is forced to be *alphabetical*. So the result will ever be:

  * email
  * fname
  * lname

moreover the order defined during "Edit AnyTypeClass BaseUser" does not matter. The order defined in that form is not applied to other forms, consider the case in which an user or any type has two auxiliary classes (one of the AnyTypeClasses available), which sorting will be taken? On the *administration console* the ordering of the attributes into the edit form is alphabetical, too; though it can be customized through advanced techniques.

To force another kind of schema sorting in the *Enduser Console* you should edit UserController.js (see [1]) by sorting schemas variable or schemaService.js (see [2] and [3]) by sorting response.data (you may extract it into a new variable). We created just now a new issue about a better sorting customization; please take a look at [4].


HTH regards,

[1] https://github.com/apache/syncope/blob/2_0_X/client/enduser/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/app/js/controllers/UserController.js#L71 [2] https://github.com/apache/syncope/blob/2_0_X/client/enduser/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/app/js/services/schemaService.js#L33 [3] https://github.com/apache/syncope/blob/2_0_X/client/enduser/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/app/js/services/schemaService.js#L45
[4] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYNCOPE-1005
Andrea Patricelli

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

PMC member at The Apache Software Foundation

Andrea Patricelli

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

PMC member at The Apache Software Foundation

Andrea Patricelli

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

PMC member at The Apache Software Foundation

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