I am assuming that this e-mail is a duplicate of [1]: correct?

See my replies below.

On 01/03/2017 10:35, Tech wrote:
Dear experts,

we want to report you something we detected in the Syncope-Console.

We are importing some information from a database where a column is called "MYGROUP" and the content is "Employee".

We created a group into Syncope called MYGROUP and in the group we defined a Dynamic group where the attribute.myrole == Employee, the user is automatically assigned to the group.

When we check the users, we can validate that they are correctly assigned to the group MYGROUP.

We perform some modification on the Database, we run again the pull, but this time we see that from the Dashboard/Control/Available, we see the pull still running, and also pushing on the Stop, the popup will confirm us that the task has been performed correctly,

It seems that the pull task has entered into some kind of error condition that cannot be stopped by the Quartz engine (an example could be some kind of blocking I/O operation).

but also restarting Syncope, the task will be still running.

This is really odd: please try to

1. stop the Java EE container
2. check with ps if there is any hanging java process and kill -9 if so
3. start again the Java EE container

I think the actual problem is, as said above, something that prevents the Java EE container to exit properly.

We are not able to run anymore any Pull, and we were forced to run a restore of the database.

What should be done to avoid this?

[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/6bef9e8a38a3635fe5144935e92f188a8b5b7032f8b3814de6f94e35@%3Cuser.syncope.apache.org%3E

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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