On 14/06/2017 19:40, justin.isenhour wrote:

Thanks for your reply.  I have followed the steps you described but am not
getting the same result as you.  If in ApacheDS password policy section I
have Allow Must Change flagged then when I try to create a new user the sync
with ApacheDS fails, it complains that there are 2 values being set for
attribute pwdReset.  If I uncheck Allow Must Change flag then the
create/sync is successful, however, after that any attempt I make to toggle
Must Change Password on/off does not sync with ApacheDS.  I tried toggling
this from the console as well as using the user self Patch API.  In both of
these case there is no propagation task being created.  The only propagation
task I see is the initial create. (making other updates does initiate a
propagation task and LDAP is updated as expected).

Any thoughts as to why changes to Must Change Password are not trigger a
propagation task?

Which Syncope version and distribution are you using?

You might want to download the latest 2.0.4-SNAPSHOT standalone distribution [1] (instructions [2]) and try to perform the steps reported previously with the embedded ApacheDS 2.0 M24 (which is exactly what I did).


[1] https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/snapshots/org/apache/syncope/syncope-standalone/2.0.4-SNAPSHOT/syncope-standalone-2.0.4-20170614.162350-94-distribution.zip
[2] https://ci.apache.org/projects/syncope/getting-started.html#standalone

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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