On 10/08/2017 19:16, Sergio Muriel wrote:


does anyone know about any easy to follow Syncope tutorials or documentation?

I have been reading the reference guide <http://syncope.apache.org/docs/reference-guide.html> but I find it hard to follow.

This is what I need to do: Synchronize db2db fields, web service to web service and database fields to web service and vice versa.

Hi Sergio, and welcome to Apache Syncope!

We don't have much "from 0 to ready" tutorials out there; you might want to read this post by Colm about pulling users from LDAP:


Also, someone started a primer a while ago


but it's in the very early stages.

At a high level, for your own use case you'll need to:

1. define all the plain schemas you want to model for the Internal Storage
2. create one or more Connectors
3. for each Connector, create one or more External Resource where you define the mapping between Internal Storage's schemas and External Resource's attributes
4. for each Resource you want to pull users from, create a Pull Task

I'd suggest to start with one Connector / Resource (maybe for the DB you want to pull users from) and then proceed incrementally.

If the users you want to pull from the external DB fit in a single table, you can use the DBTable connector, otherwise you'll need the ScriptedSQL, which also requires to code / adjust some Groovy scripts to work.

Maybe it's also an idea for you to start with the Standalone Distribution, which is full of test data, and look at how things are configured there.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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