Hi everyone,


i am currently trying to deploy syncope 3.x on a Server to evaluate if it fits our Needs. Unfortunately following the getting started guide and than the reference guide i am not able to get syncope to work on the tomcat 10 on the Server. When ever i try to Access any syncope Service via http://host:8080/syncope(...)i am getting a 404 error.

Except for the Swagger Service where i am getting a 404 some json not found. All of my custom apps and tomcats own Services are reachable and working so i would assume the tomcat is Setup correctly. The logs do not indicate any Errors. I build the syncope wars via Maven and following the getting started guide. I than edited the *.properties according to the referenc guide. If deployed anywhere other than localhost does the discover url in the properties have to be http://host:8080 or localhost:8080? In anycase i tried Setting it to both and i am still getting a 404 error. Anyone got any hints on how to proceed?

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