I'm using XFire with JAXB 1.1 bindings (I have to use JAXB 1.1 instead
of 2.0 since a project requirement is Java 1.4).

When I check out my WSDL, the wsdlsoap:address is set to the default value of:

<wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost/services/TestEngine"/>

I saw issue XFIRE-366 in the Jira that indicated this issue is
generally the result of not using the Servlets, but I am using
XFireSpringServlet.  I'm guessing there is some sort of disconnect
between my custom JAXB 1.1 service factory and the servlet.

The service actually works fine, but I'd really like to get the
address set correctly.  What do I need to do to get the service
factory plugged in to the XFireServlet?

Here's the relevant portion of my xfire-spring.xml:

   <!-- The TestEngine XFire SOAP Service -->
   <bean name="testEngine" class="org.codehaus.xfire.spring.ServiceBean">
       <property name="serviceBean" ref="testEngineImpl" />
       <property name="serviceClass"
value="com.connectic.ws.engines.TestEngine" />
       <property name="serviceFactory" ref="serviceFactory" />

   <!-- The TestEngine Implementation Class -->
   <bean id="testEngineImpl" class="com.connectic.ws.engines.TestEngineImpl">

   <!-- Custom service factory to use JAXB type registry -->
   <bean name="serviceFactory"
       <constructor-arg ref="bindingProvider" />
   <bean name="bindingProvider"
       <constructor-arg ref="typeRegistry" />
   <bean name="typeRegistry" class="org.codehaus.xfire.jaxb.JaxbTypeRegistry">
       <constructor-arg ref="jaxbContext" />
   <bean name="jaxbContext" class="com.connectic.ws.model.ObjectFactory">
   <!-- End JAXB -->


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