Thanks for responding.

You are doing a transformation with the data that you received and then 
returning it to the Java Service??? 

No, I am keeping the transformation results in my dotnet client
1) Dotnet client calls xfire web service:  xfirewebservice.search(String 
2) Xfire does the search and returns an array of objects
3) Dotnet client serializes the array of objects as an xml string
4) Dotnet does a xsl transformation of serialized xml

It sounds like we are trying to do opposite things.

You (dotnet developer) writing a java client to DOTNET service
Me (java developer) writing a dotnet client to JAVA service.

Kind of funny!

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Elliott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: user@xfire.codehaus.org
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 10:44:50 AM (GMT-0500) America/New_York
Subject: RE: [xfire-user] xfire and dotnet, dotnet adds xmlns attrs

Being a .NET developer, I understand your frustration as I am trying 
to figure out consuming a .NET service with a Java Client. 

I don't know that I fully understand the issue but if you provide a little 
more information I might be able to help. You said that you are consuming 
a Java Service using a .NET client. The next part is where I am not clear. 

You are doing a transformation with the data that you received and then 
returning it to the Java Service??? 

It appears with the XML that you provided that the transformation was 
by the creation of the AttractionDTO structure. 

Is the issue... 
1) with transforming the XML <out ...> to <AttractionDTO ...> 
2) transformation was successful but <AttractionDTO ...> contains the extra 
3) other 

The other question I have is the Java Web method that is being consumed by .NET 
the form of: 
public string MyMethod ( string xmlToTransform ); 
public MyClass MyMethod ( MyClass clazzToTransform ); 


> Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 16:50:18 -0400 
> To: user@xfire.codehaus.org 
> Subject: [xfire-user] xfire and dotnet, dotnet adds xmlns attrs 
> Hi, 
> I have an xfire service that I am consuming in dotnet. The dotnet consumer is 
> just doing an xsl transformation of the results from the xfire service. 
> My problem is that the dotnet consumer is adding xmlns attributes to the 
> response. I know, I know, this is a xfire forum, but I was hoping that there 
> are other xfire/dotnet users out there that could point me to the right 
> solution. 
> I have the axis tcpmon running, so I know that it's on the dot net side. I 
> trimmed out the xml from both sides. The extra xmlns=" 
> http://dmi.reffects.com " on the diningNearbyAttractions array is causing me 
> xsl tranformation hell. Still trying to figure out how to do a tranformation 
> of this stuff with all the xmlns=" http://dmi.reffects.com " all over the 
> place. 
> Thanks for your help! Phillip 
> Wire: 
> <out xmlns=" http://dmi.reffects.com " attractionId=" 238173 " 
> createDate="2005-12-16T15:21:50-05:00" 
> emailAddress=" [EMAIL PROTECTED] " 
> keywords="pittsburgh crafts pottery art squirrel hill forbes art design clay" 
> paidAd="N" viewable="true"><couponDtos /> 
> <diningNearbyAttractions><NearbyDTO><appalacian>false</appalacian><attractionId>77645</attractionId></NearbyDTO>
> </diningNearbyAttractions> 
> </out> 
> Dotnet: 
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
> <AttractionDTO xmlns:xsi=" http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance " 
> xmlns:xsd=" http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema " 
> attractionId=" 238173 " createDate="2005-12-16T15:21:50-05:00" 
> emailAddress=" [EMAIL PROTECTED] " keywords="pittsburgh crafts pottery art 
> squirrel hill forbes art design clay" paidAd="N" viewable="true"> 
> <couponDtos xmlns=" http://dmi.reffects.com " /> 
> <diningNearbyAttractions xmlns=" http://dmi.reffects.com "> 
> <NearbyDTO><appalacian>false</appalacian><attractionId>77645</attractionId></NearbyDTO>
> </diningNearbyAttractions> 
> </AttractionDTO> 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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