

I'm using Xfire with simple aegis binding method.

I'm trying to use config file (class.aegis.xml) to set minOccur of list,
or nillable as false to made property required, but it does not work.


For example, without minoccur="1" I have this schema in the wsdl:


<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="authorizedPaiement"


When I add minoccur="1" I have this schema:


<xsd:element name="authorizedPaiement" type="xsd:boolean"/>


But when I add ignored="true", the property is ignored, so the problem
is with nillable and minoccur.


This is my aegis file content:


            <property name="wishes" nillable="false" />

            <property name="authorizedPaiement" minOccurs="1"
nillable="false" />



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