Hi everyone,

I have some suggestions for changing the numberConverter's format hint  which I 
would like to hear your feedback on.

Currently the numberConverter provides a hint using the converter's pattern like this: "Sample pattern: 
##.##". In particular, it follows JDK DecimalFormat's convention when the pattern is locale-independent, 
.ie "." as decimal separator and "," as grouping-separator.

This has the following issues which could confuse users
-  It does not check if the trinidad-config parameters  decimal-separator, 
number-grouping-separator are set.
-  It does not substitute the locale-specific character

Therefore, I suggest the following.
1. Introduce two new trinidad-config parameters for currency-decimal-separator, 
This is because some locales have different conventions for decimal separator 
when inside a currency.  If not set, default to decimal/grouping-separator 

2. If no parameters set in trinidad-config, substitute the locale-specific 
decimal/grouping separators.

3. Use a sample number instead of presenting the pattern, e.g. "Sample pattern: 12,34" 
instead of "Sample pattern: ##.##".

Does anyone have feedback on suggestions #1, 2, 3?

Thank you,

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