The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of
Apache MyFaces Commons 1.0.2.

This project contains non-renderkit-specific code that can be used with any
myfaces jsf framework.

MyFaces Commons 1.0.2 is available in both binary and source distributions.


Apache MyFaces Commons is available in the central Maven repository under
Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.commons".

Release Notes - MyFaces Commons - Version 1.0.2


    * [MFCOMMONS-27] - CLONE - Its not possible to change the summary/
detail message of a ParametrizableFacesMessage
    * [MFCOMMONS-32] - mcv:validateCompareTo uses "for" attribute to
identify the target component, but JSF 2.0 facelets reserves that
property name for composite components
    * [MFCOMMONS-34] - HTML class should declare constants
    * [MFCOMMONS-37] - Extended ResourceHandler should be configured
after all other wrappers, to be the first one when a request is
    * [MFCOMMONS-38] - Resource ending with .css is not processed for
value expressions when gzip compression is enabled and cache disk is


    * [MFCOMMONS-30] - Change URL management of Advanced JSF 2 ResourceHandler
    * [MFCOMMONS-35] - Move some utility methods from shared to commons
    * [MFCOMMONS-36] - MyFaces Commons ResourceHandler should allow
configuration /javax.faces.resource or
ResourceHandler#RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER through a web config param

New Feature

    * [MFCOMMONS-29] - Advanced JSF 2 ResourceHandler


    * [MFCOMMONS-33] - Extended ResourceHandler implementation


Leonardo Uribe

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