Hello there!

I have a problem with OWB that does not occur on WELD and I wasn't able to find a solution for that yet. I am using OWB 1.0 shipped with IBM WAS and the scenario is like this:

class A implements Service{}
class ADecorator implements Service{}
class InterceptorImpl{}

Now I call a method of the Service interface and the call is delegated to the decorator as expected. The decorator passes the call to the underlying implementation and the impl throws an exception. Now the decorator does not see the concrete exception that occurred in the impl but an InvocationTargetException and within that, the actual exception.

Am I wrong or should I see the actual exception and not the InvocationTargetException? I can't even add an Interceptor to the decorator methods to generically unwrap that exception, because AroundInvoke interceptors are not called if they are applied on decorators. Is that the expected behavior too?

Thanks in advance!


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