hi salvo,

please provide a small demo which illustrates the issue.



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2011/11/13 Salvo Isaja <salv...@users.sourceforge.net>

> Hello,
> I'm trying to make a custom form work. I'm using a Facelet page in
> combination with container's form authentication, but instead of posting to
> j_security_check I'm authenticating with Servlet 3.0's request.login(). So
> far so good.
> The next step is redirecting the user to the originally requested page,
> for which I've tried the approach described in the following questions on
> StackOverflow:
> http://stackoverflow.com/**questions/5144186/redirect-to-**
> protected-resource-or-**original-saved-request-after-**servlet-3-0-https<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5144186/redirect-to-protected-resource-or-original-saved-request-after-servlet-3-0-https>
> http://stackoverflow.com/**questions/8024344/user-login-**with-jsf-2-0<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8024344/user-login-with-jsf-2-0>
> http://stackoverflow.com/**questions/5815649/how-to-**
> implement-redirect-to-login-**page-with-java-ee-6-glassfish<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5815649/how-to-implement-redirect-to-login-page-with-java-ee-6-glassfish>
> But I never get the original URL using "javax.servlet.forward.**request_uri"
> when CODI is enabled. I guess this may depend on CODI refreshing the
> request to append the windowId parameter.
> XHTML excerpt (login.xhtml):
> <h:form>
> BLA<h:outputText value="#{requestScope['javax.**
> servlet.forward.request_uri']}**" />BLA
> BLA<h:outputText value="#{requestScope['javax.**
> servlet.include.request_uri']}**" />BLA
> <p:inputText id="username" value="#{loginBean.username}"/**>
> <p:password id="password" feedback="true" minLength="0"
> value="#{loginBean.password}"/**>
> <h:commandButton value="Login" action="#{loginBean.login}"/>
> </h:form>
> web.xml excerpt:
>    <login-config>
>        <auth-method>FORM</auth-**method>
>        <realm-name>file</realm-name>
>        <form-login-config>
>            <form-login-page>/login.jsf</**form-login-page>
>            <form-error-page>/login.jsf</**form-error-page>
>        </form-login-config>
>    </login-config>
> Any ideas?
> I'm on GlassFish 3.1.1 bundled with Netbeans 7.0.1 (Mojarra 2.1.3, and the
> following on the server output INFO: [Started] MyFaces CODI (Extensions
> CDI) Core v1.0.1  Used CDI implementation: Weld v20110404-1554).
> I've also noticed that, once I've added CODI's jars to the project, I have
> a lot of the following on the server log:
> WARNING: PWC4011: Unable to set request character encoding to UTF-8 from
> context /WebApplication1, because request parameters have already been
> read, or ServletRequest.getReader() has already been called
> Thank you,
>   Salvo
> --

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