Hi Gerhard,

Il 15/11/2011 00:09, Gerhard Petracek ha scritto:
to get rid of the initial redirect you have to disable it (see
since you are using glassfish/weld, you have to use the alternative
implementation module for doing it (see e.g. [1])

Thank you for your suggestion, I've tried this solution and it kind of works.

I had some difficulties with the configuration, because the provided documentation is not very clear or detailed. Namely, I was insisting with creating the SPI file in META-INF because I was not aware that myfaces-extcdi-jsf-alternative-configuration-1.0.1.jar was already providing its own. After that, I had some trouble figuring out how the properties in myfaces-extcdi.properties should have been named, but skimming through the sources I've found my way.

I say "kind of works" because I'm afraid I'm missing something. With initial_redirect_enabled=false I get the original URL in the login page, but once logged in I have no windowId parameter in the URL. That may be fine, as I see that all URLs inside the page, including AJAX requests, do have the windowId. I'm just asking if it is OK like that, even when using the javascript to remove the windowId when a new tab is opened. BTW, if it works OK without the initial redirect, why not making it the default? What are the disadvantages?

Thank you,

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