Im having some commandlink issues, I need to give a bit of background
before I can explain the problem  I'm having. WE have started a redesign
of our website. I decided to use Myfaces2, trinidad2 and tomahawk2. 
One of the things we wanted to do was build a custom menu builder that
can be configured using a xml file and displays links based on some


After bit of digging I found a nice tutorial that explained it. Basicly
you create a panelgroup and bind it to a backing bean.

<h:panelGroup binding="#{menuBean.navigationMenu}" />

Then in the backing bean you build upo your "menu" by creating a
HTMLPanelGroup and then adding child UICOmponents like commandlinks

public HtmlPanelGroup getTabNavigationMenu() {



Apart form that, we also use partial page rendering to display a html
datatable (its wrapped in  tr:panelGroupLayout  )


pollListener="#{accountBean.accountsChange}" interval="3500" id="pollid"


                                  <div style="clear:both"></div>

                                  <h:dataTable id="accTable"
atbleAmount,datatbleAmount" value="#{accountBean.accounts}"
var="account"  width="100%" styleClass="data">



Now what Im seeing is this. Sometimes clicking on of the menu
commandlinks as generated above nothing happens (it seems to happen
during the PPR of the datatable but im not sure)

Also I get the piece of script as below randomly, then nothing works and
we have to refresh the page then it goes away. 

<span id="tr_masterform_Postscript


Is there anyone that can help me with this. Im at a complete loss. 


Gerhard Visagie
FNB Connect

FNB Bankcity
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