
I'm trying to upgrade an old JSF 1.1 app up to current standards. For the time being, I'd like to leave it as jsp based (upgrading pages to Facelets as changes come up). I've converted everything obvious, but Tomahawk tabs and menus are messed up. I'm currently using myfaces-core-2.1.3, tomahawk20-1.1.11, trinidad-2.0.0. Tabs in particular are annoying me, because even simple ones don't seem to work. They don't render as tabs at all (just discreet buttons) and they don't obey the serverSideTabSwitch (it's never client side, regardless of what the flag says). Any ideas?

<t:panelTabbedPane serverSideTabSwitch="false">
<t:panelTab label="One">
<h:outputLabel for="_1">
<h:outputText value="One" />
<h:inputText id="_1" value="1" />
<t:panelTab label="Two">
<h:outputLabel for="_2" >
<h:outputText value="Two" />
<h:inputText id="_2" value="2" />
<t:panelTab label="Three">
<h:outputLabel for="_3">
<h:outputText value="Three" />
<h:inputText id="_3" value="3" />


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