On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Antoine Toulme <anto...@lunar-ocean.com> wrote:
> Also, can you please open a bug with the output of the testing you made ?


Also, I just realized I get an error at the end of "rake spec", too:

rake aborted!
Command C:/Ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib"
"spec/addon/drb_spec.rb" "spec/core/application_spec.rb"
"spec/core/build_spec.rb" "spec/core/cc_spec.rb"
"spec/core/checks_spec.rb" "spec/core/common_spec.rb"
"spec/core/compile_spec.rb" "spec/core/extension_spec.rb"
"spec/core/generate_spec.rb" "spec/core/project_spec.rb"
"spec/core/test_spec.rb" "spec/core/transport_spec.rb"
"spec/core/util_spec.rb" "spec/groovy/bdd_spec.rb"
"spec/groovy/compiler_spec.rb" "spec/ide/eclipse_spec.rb"
"spec/ide/idea7x_spec.rb" "spec/java/ant_spec.rb"
"spec/java/bdd_spec.rb" "spec/java/cobertura_spec.rb"
"spec/java/commands_spec.rb" "spec/java/compiler_spec.rb"
"spec/java/emma_spec.rb" "spec/java/java_spec.rb"
"spec/java/packaging_spec.rb" "spec/java/tests_spec.rb"
"spec/packaging/artifact_spec.rb" "spec/packaging/packaging_spec.rb"
"spec/scala/bdd_spec.rb" "spec/scala/compiler_spec.rb"
"spec/scala/tests_spec.rb" "spec/version_requirement_spec.rb" --format
specdoc --format failing_examples:failed --format
html:_reports/specs.html --backtrace --colour failed

Am I missing something required for generating test output?

> Will, the problem with the gem versions are something you need to fix on

I downloaded 
and installed it with "gem install buildr-1.4.0.gem". I have rspec
(1.3.0, 1.2.9, 1.2.8) in "gem list rspec". What should I do to fix the
problem? I also tried the file buildr-1.4.0-x86-mswin32.gem but got 59
spec failures including the same rspec gem version errors.

I admit I don't understand the difference between the plain .gem and
the -x86-mswin32.gem. I have been using the plain .gem because
-x86-mswin32 doesn't match my ruby version string. Is that wrong?

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