Hi users of cocoon:
My name is Hugo Marcelino and at the moment i'm building a portal with cocoon 2.1.5 and i come across with the following problem.
I have a coplet that contains the "new" cocoon forms ( once Woody ) and in the form i use the multivaluefields that will became in two boxs separated with buttons that transfer the selections made, form one to another box. I use the approach form1-action presented in the samples.
My problem is when i double click in one option that would change to another box, i get an error in the _javascript_. (options.length is null or not an object). This is ,so far, the only error that i get, because when i authenticate and the portal is loading the browser doesn't return any error i the coplet.
The coplet-base-data is URICoplet and i canīt change this.
somehow i believe that the problem is in the sitemap, so:
The structure is:
                +____resources (*)
(*) this directory is exactly equal to the samples.
 <map:transformers default="xalan">
  <map:transformer name="i18n" src="">
   <catalogues default="other">
    <catalogue id="other" name="OtherMessages" location="messages"/>
    <catalogue id="forms" name="FormsMessages" location="messages"/>
 <map:selectors default="browser">
  <map:selector name="request-method" src=""/>
<map:flow language="_javascript_">
 <map:script src=""/>
 <map:script src=""/>
 <map:script src=""/>
 <map:script src=""/>
  <map:match pattern="resources/**">
   <map:read src=""/>
  <map:match pattern="form-*-*.template">
   <map:generate src=""/>
   <map:transform type="forms"/>
   <map:transform type="i18n"/>
   <map:transform src="">
       <map:parameter name="resources-uri" value="coplets/tab-Utilizadores/resources"/>
   <map:serialize type="html"/>
Thanks in advance.
Hugo Marcelino

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