Hi everybody,

how can I etablixh a form based authentication in coconn running in tomcat?

My web.xml login-config looks as follows:

     <realm-name>Example Form-Based Authentication Area</realm-name>

I have a match pattern in my sitemap for this:

<map:match pattern="login">
<!-- init -->
                <map:generate src="resource/internal/pageTemplate.xml" />
<map:transform type="xslt" src="resource/internal/transform2LoginForm.xsl" /> <!-- html ouptut -->
                  <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>

Running this pattern in jetty works fine, and my login form is shown. But when I load my webapp into Tomcat and when I run it, Tomcat doesn't complain, too. I get no Error message as I am expecting. The thing is, that I get only an empty screen. Do anybody know something?


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