Hi all,

Is the operation in the subject line possible?

More info (maybe I'm asking the wrong question):

I have a (long) list of URLs, and want to categorise them. The categories themselves could be pretty broad: news sites, search engines, music sites, etc. Similar URLs (different pages on the same site) come up many times. So what I'd like to do is define regexes to say "If the URL has 'guardian.co.uk' in it, make it a 'News' site".

Sheet 1 (list to process; I want to insert the categorising function in col B)
A | B

Sheet 2 (columns of site name regexes; col A is news sites, B is search engines, etc)
A | B
cnn | google
guardian | duckduckgo
 | bing

The SEARCH function doesn't seem to take a range or array as its findtext.

Any ideas on how to go about this?

Many thanks!


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