Le 04/05/12 04:21, Tom Davies a écrit :

Let's face it, the built-in help system sucks, big time, but this is not
new to LibreOffice, it is what was inherited from OOo when Sun decided
to remaster the Help Version 1 into Help Version 2 (personally, I much
preferred Version1, it seemed to me to be far more informative than the
terse style and missing entries the current Help has. It's about as much
use as a brick without mortar, i.e. you can bash yourself on the head
with it, but it won't make you feel any better.

It is also very difficult to write new help when you are a volunteer who
might just have something useful to add, so we should at least give some
credit to those who are trying to improve the help. That said, it would
be a damn sight easier to contribute to the built-in help if one didn't
have to manipulate XML, unique IDs and all the other crap that is
necessary to get the help system to work.

There was an idea to take stuff from the online help wiki and convert
that back into XML to add to the built-in help, but as far as I know, it
still doesn't work as it should, at least not the last time I asked
Andras whether I could use the python tools that are in the source tree.

That said, I take my hat off to all of those who are trying to improve
the built-in help, with all of its idiosyncrasies.


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