At 10:34 15/10/2012 -0400, James Knott wrote:
Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 15.10.2012 10:45, Brian Barker wrote:
At 10:49 15/10/2012 +0300, Pertti Rönnberg wrote:
On 14.10.2012 12:20, Gilles SICHE wrote:
could anyone tell me which formula I should use for the integer part of a cell to be shown in another cell, ...

The answer could be:

You are overthinking the problem: if C3 is positive, that's no different from

Reportedly, negative numbers do exist.


Now you are assuming (1) that negative election results are possible, and (2) that they should be given equal weight with positive ones. Perhaps you can find me a bank where withdrawals increase my balance just as deposits do?

Brian Barker

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