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On Thunderbird (at least on Linux, can't speak for other platforms),
If the list requires it you have 2 different reply options. One that
replies to the originator of the particular message and the other has
a drop down that gives options of "Reply List", "Reply All", just
"Reply". I beleive that the "Reply All" will have the below mentioned
behavior of sending to the list plus to the originator. On mine I have
"Reply List" so it will not send a second copy to the originator. Also
on other lists I only one of the 2 buttons available, only this and a
couple of others are they both there. I believe that it's something
that gets embedded into the email header by the email server running
the particular list(s).

On 07/02/2013 01:32 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :) That is weird.
> It might still be a User Profile issue on all the machines.  Most
> likely is  a particular Extension/Add-on that you have on all
> machines.  Do you have anything like that?  If you rename the User
> Profile on just 1 machine as a test rather than doing it on all
> machines. https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/UserProfile
> wrt to replying to the list you are not the only one.  I didn't
> even realise your reply didn't go to the list and was wondering why
> no-one else responded to my post.  We have to use "Reply to all" or
> "Group reply" rather than just the normal "Reply to".  It is
> annoying a few of us but there doesn't seem to be anything any of
> us can do about it.
> Apols and regards from Tom :)
>> ________________________________ From: Thomas Blasejewicz
>> <tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp> To: users@global.libreoffice.org Sent:
>> Tuesday, 2 July 2013, 16:39 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users]
>> constant crashes
>> I am sorry, I responded (again) only to Mr. Davies and not the
>> list. There seems to be a trick to it ...
>> (2013/07/02 18:26), Tom Davies wrote:
>>> Hi Also try
>>> Tools - Options - Memory
>>> and increase the various sizes.  I have it set at something
>>> like 20Mb/object and above the "Use for LibreOffice" set a LOT
>>> higher than i expect the final documents to be.  Around 50Mb
>>> might be a good idea.
>>> However, crashes are usually a result of Java behaving badly.
>>> You can probably switch Java off completely or just switch it
>>> off for LIbreOffice
>>> Tools - Options - Advanced
>>> The top tick-box lets you switch it off.
>>> The next most common cause is some problem in your User Profile
>>> so you might want to temporarily "get back to factory defaults"
>>> by renaming your User Profile 
>>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/UserProfile
>> Well, I run LO on Win XP SP3, 2.5 GB RAM Turned off ALL other
>> software Set memory per object to 20 MB memory for LO to 50 MB 
>> changed version of JAVA turned JAVA off
>> so far no improvement.
>> reset user profile? not yet. Iif I do that, I suppose I loose all
>> my styles, templates, autotext, macros etc., right? Or will they
>> remain available? Anyway, that is an adventure I may try when I
>> am at leisure after dinner or so ...
>> One more thing: the exact same thing happens exactly in the same
>> way on three different computers. Two running Windows XP, one Win
>> 7. Can this still be problem with the user profile?
>>> One person found that upgrading to a more recent version of 
>>> LibreOffice solved a crashing problem
>>> There is another rare and intermittent bug to do with images.
>>> It's been around since OOo 2.(something) but is very rare and
>>> difficult to pin-down because it is not easy to reproduce
>>> conditions reliably. Best work-arounds are 1.  Switch off the
>>> auto-back-up!  But then you have to keep making sure you do
>>> save regularly and fairly frequently, perhaps incrementing 
>>> versions occasionally to ensure you can easily go back to a
>>> previous state. 2.  to keep a copy of all the images in a
>>> sub-folder in the same folder as the document, or elsewhere
>>> that is easy to get to so that if images do vanish from the
>>> document then it's easy to replace them 3.  Work on your
>>> document locally and then upload back to the network or Cloud
>>> or usb-stick or where-ever you keep it.
>>> Regards from Tom
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
*From:* Dries Feys <dries.f...@tvh.com>
>>> *To:* Thomas Blasejewicz <tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp> *Cc:*
>>> "users@global.libreoffice.org" <users@global.libreoffice.org> 
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 2 July 2013, 8:45 *Subject:* Re:
>>> [libreoffice-users] constant crashes
>>> You could try version 3.6.6 or 4.0.4.
>>> Do you have enough ram? On what OS are you working?
>>> Met vriendelijke groeten, Salutations distinguées, Kind
>>> Regards,
>>> DRIES FEYS CORPORATE SERVICES • Specialist Software Developer T
>>> +32 56 43 42 45 • F +32 56 43 44 46 • dries.f...@tvh.com 
>>> <mailto:dries.f...@tvh.com>
>>> TVH GROUP NV Brabantstraat 15 • BE-8790 WAREGEM T +32 56 43 42
>>> 11 • F +32 56 43 44 88 • www.tvh.com
>>> On 2 July 2013 09:15, Thomas Blasejewicz <tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp 
>>> <mailto:tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp>> wrote:
>>>> Good afternoon I do have an "ordinary" ODF Writer file, about
>>>> 14 MB in size
>>> because of
>>>> about 60 monochrome pictures (writing a book). This file is
>>>> usually open in "print preview mode". When I try to switch to
>>>> "web layout", so that I can see more text without all those
>>>> funky margins and spaces between pages, LibreOffice (
>>>> ALWAYS crashes "due to an unexpected
>>> error" as it
>>>> calls it.
>>>> Is there anything I can do about this VERY annoying
>>>> behavior?
>>>> Thank you. Thomas
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