At 16:15 16/07/2013 -0400, Felmon Davis wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jul 2013, Brian Barker wrote:
At 02:02 16/07/2013 -0400, Felmon Davis wrote:
On Sun, 14 Jul 2013, Doug wrote:
This is not an acronym. It can't be pronounced as a word. (See dictionary definition in URL below.)
the definition says:
: a word (as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; [...]
I'm missing the part about being pronounced as a word.

May I help? I think I can. It's right there in the second word of the definition: it says it's a *word*, so it'll be pronounced as, er, a word!

ah, now I see where that comes from!

deviates from <> which counts the following formations as acronyms:

    BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
    OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
    USA: The United States of America
    FGM: Female Genital Mutilation

or maybe it doesn't deviate after all since they can also be pronounced as words (any string of initials can).

Oh no: they are indeed examples of initialisms that are not pronounced as words, so are not what I call acronyms. But to be fair to Wikipedia, it does explain the distinction further up, but then says it will not follow it in the rest of the article:

Although the term _acronym_ is widely used to refer to any abbreviation formed from initial letters, some dictionaries define _acronym_ to mean "a word" in its original sense, while some others include additional senses attributing to _acronym_ the same meaning as that of _initialism_. The distinction, when made, hinges on whether the abbreviation is pronounced as a word, or as a string of letters. In such cases, examples found in dictionaries include _NATO_, _scuba_, and _radar_ for acronyms, and _FBI_ and _HTML_ for initialisms. In the rest of this article, this distinction is not made.

I'm going to let Anne-ology make the call.

Oh, we are all entitled to speak and write as we wish, of course.

Brian Barker

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