On 01/31/2019 11:54 AM, Tom Williams wrote:
> Now, this is interesting.  So, the digital signing you describe would
> generate a digital version of my signature?  I have experience with
> digitally signing a document, using a third party service, like
> DocuSign.  In those cases, a "signature" font is used to represent my
> actual signature.  I initially though the digital signing LibreOffice
> supported added a digital signature to the document, itself, providing
> some verification that I am who I claim to be.  Does it also add the
> signature, in the manner you describe?

No, it doesn't generate a digital version of your signature.  It uses a
process, related to encryption, to generate a signature of the entire
document, that verifies it could have only come from you.  This is
commonly done with X.509 digital certificates, which are traceable back
to some top level certificate authority.  As an example of a bank
perhaps, they'd issue you your own public/private keys, which could be
traced back to the bank and to the top level authority beyond.  Since
that signature couldn't possibly have come from anyone else, it is your

You may want to read up on how public/private key encryption works and
X.509 certificates.


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