At 13:50 15/09/2020 +0200, Hylton Conacher wrote:
I have eight data values on a single row with corresponding dates next to each value in the format below i.e.

A       B       C       D       E       F       G       H
25      01/07   blank   60      09/05   blank   30      26/7

In the 2nd row I would like to show the highest number from the first row as well as the corresponding date value in the cell to the right of that value.

My A2 formula is MAX(A2,D2) = 60

Shouldn't that be =MAX(A1;D1;G1) ?

The issue I am having is to get the corresponding date value from the adjacent column i.e. 09/05 in row B2.

How about
=OFFSET(A1;0;MATCH(A2;A1:G1;0)) ?

Wouldn't you be better off placing your values in three rows of two columns? Then you could use VLOOKUP().

Unfortunately this sort of 'table' VLOOKUP requires is not feasible on my data set.

I don't see why not. It might well be that reorganising your data in some way is the right solution.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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