In your previous mail you wrote:

   Afaik none of the IPv6-IPv4 translation mechanisms (be it NAT-PT or TRT
   or...) does support communication initiated by outside (IPv4) sources
   yet. IPv6/IPv4 addresses are just not mappable bidirectionally.
   I know that with DSTM there where at least plans to tackle the problem
   of incorporating this feature somehow. Don't know what became of it and
   also don't really know, how this should/could be done.
=> this function was named AIIH and is supported in some implementations
of DSTM when IPv4 outside sources use the DNS. But there is an easy DoS
attack against AIIH or any similar scheme so its usage is still limited.



PS: the AIIH idea is simple : a DNS proxy intercepts the A request and
triggers the allocation of an IPv4 address to the target inside node.
The DoS attack is just the exhaution of the IPv4 address pool...
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