Hi Rene,

Yes, I'm using Stipe's smppbox, but was wondering if the same problem occurs in opensmppbox.

Best regards,
Paulo Correia

On 10-07-2013 14:28, Rene Kluwen wrote:

Paulo, you are talking about Stipe's smppbox, right?

Mark, are you having an issue with opensmppbox?

== Rene

*From:*Paulo Correia [mailto:paulo.corr...@pdmfc.com]
*Sent:* vrijdag 5 juli 2013 0:18
*To:* Mark Poulsen
*Cc:* Rene Kluwen; users@kannel.org
*Subject:* Re: SMPPBox and the validity period when submiting short message

Hi Mark,

Good luck with it! Let us know what you find out.

Best regards,
Paulo Correia

Em 04-07-2013 07:35, Mark Poulsen escreveu:

    Hi Paulo,

    I'd just thought I'd confirm the same issue. We're seeing that
    bearerbox receives the wrong validity_period from SMPPbox when
    it's set by the ESME.

    We're trying to rollback to earlier versions of both SMPPbox and
    Kannel, but so far without success.

    I'll let you know if we come to a solution.

    Best regards,


    On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Paulo Correia
    <paulo.corr...@pdmfc.com <mailto:paulo.corr...@pdmfc.com>> wrote:

    I tried Rene, indeed I tried ...

    Em 29-06-2013 13:47, Rene Kluwen escreveu:

        For smppbox related questions, contact Stipe Tolj.

        *From:*users [mailto:users-boun...@kannel.org] *On Behalf Of
        *Paulo Correia

        *Sent:* donderdag 13 juni 2013 23:52

        *To:* users@kannel.org <mailto:users@kannel.org>
        *Subject:* Re: SMPPBox and the validity period when submiting
        short message


        Just adding some info, when looking at the smsc_http.c of
        kannel 1.5 (the one in use) I see, on the kannel_send_sms
        function (the one used for system-type=kannel):
            if (sms->sms.validity != SMS_PARAM_UNDEFINED)
                octstr_format_append(url, "&validity=%ld",
        (sms->sms.validity - time(NULL)) / 60);
            if (sms->sms.deferred != SMS_PARAM_UNDEFINED)
                octstr_format_append(url, "&deferred=%ld",
        (sms->sms.deferred - time(NULL)) / 60);

        So, can it be a limitation on the smppbox routing to the http
        smsc? Or am I missing something?

        Best regards,
        Paulo Correia

        Em 13-06-2013 16:47, Paulo Correia escreveu:


            We've been using smppbox in the last two years and routing
            messages to an HTTP SMSC, with the following configs:

              * SMPPBOX:
                group = smppbox
                admin-port = XXXXX
                admin-password = XXXX
                status-password = XXXX
                bearerbox-host = "localhost"
                bearerbox-dcs = utf-8
                smppbox-port = XXXX
                system-id = "skysmssmpp"
                log-file = "/home/smsuser/logs/smppbox_smppbox.log"
                log-level = 0
                access-log = "/home/smsuser/logs/smppbox_smpp_access.log"
                store-type = spool
                store-location = "/home/smsuser/data/spool/smppbox"
                transparent-mo-routing = yes
                transparent-mo-routing-account = yes
                time-to-keep-status = 604800
              * SMSC:
                group = smsc
                smsc = http
                smsc-id = smppsmsc
                smsc-username = xxxxxxxxxxx
                smsc-password = xxxxxxxxxxx
                system-type = kannel
                send-url = http://localhost:zzzzz/smppsmsc
                port = yyyy
                connect-allow-ip = ";..."
                no-sender = false
                no-coding = false
                no-sep = true
                allowed-smsc-id = smppsmsc
                reroute-dlr = true
                dlr-url =

            We do get all submit_sm from the ESMEs and deliver all MOs
            and DLRs, but if an ESME sends a submit_sm with a
            validity_period, we do not see it reflected on the URL
            Does anyone have the same problem, even in OpenSMPPBox?

            Best regards,
            Paulo Correia

-- Mark Poulsen // +47 4117 5035 // www.veoo.com <http://www.veoo.com/>
    Chief Technical Officer
    Veoo.com, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London. WC2H 9JQ

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