Am 19.10.2017 15:56, schrieb Stipe Tolj:
Am 24.08.2017 18:24, schrieb Giulio Giovannini:
Hello Stipe.

Thanks for the interest.

I can not confirm 100% that but I can see the smsbox.log flowing without
interruption. So I assume that the lines below are written as a DLR is
picked up by the smsbox and if a new line gets printed the previous DLR
has been processed.

2017-08-24 18:18:27 [27072] [5] INFO: Starting delivery report
<C22834_001> from <Superga>
2017-08-24 18:18:27 [27072] [5] INFO: Starting delivery report
<C11874_013> from <WWM>
2017-08-24 18:18:27 [27072] [5] INFO: Starting delivery report
<C22834_001> from <Superga>

Nonethless, while that log flows fluid, a tcpdump on the machine shows
that HTTP GET are delayed, like accumulated in batches. That is
confirmed on the other end where the HTTP GETs are received in batches.

When traffic is low, there are no losses. When traffic gets intense I
noticed losses in the DLRs on the HTTP receiving end.

Hi Giulio,

now, the only reason I see at the moment for something that "looks" like
a batched HTTP call processing, is the limit that Kannel's HTTP client
sets for how many concurrent calls are allowed to be in a "open state".

Which is controlled via:

group = smsbox
max-pending-requests = x

BTW, default is 512 if not configured.

BTW, this was introduced as "protection" towards the HTTP servers, as we had various cases in the real-world where Kannel was loading the HTTP server side so heavily,that it was basically becoming a DOS attack.

Best Regards,
Stipe Tolj

Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany

Kannel Foundation        system architecture  

stolj at               st at

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