Dear Davor, Vinayak,

Thank you and appreciate your responses.


Dear Davor,

Yes I set the content type in the header and below is my C# cording as how I 
does it. but the message is delivered as garbage letters.


            string xmlMessage = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n" +


            string url = "";;

            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);


            byte[] requestInFormOfBytes = 

            request.Method = "POST";

            request.ContentType = "text/xml";

            request.ContentLength = requestInFormOfBytes.Length;

            Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();

            requestStream.Write(requestInFormOfBytes, 0, 



            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            StreamReader respStream = new 
StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.Default);

            string receivedResponse = respStream.ReadToEnd();





Dear Vinayak,

I tried the same a long time ago and failed. Have you tried doing it with MSSQL.



Rasika Udayanga.



From: vinayak mv [] 
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2019 10:34 PM
To: Davor Spasoski
Cc: Rasika Udayanga;
Subject: Re: Send "Sinhala" Letters (Unicode) via Kannel XML Post


Better use sqlbox for bulk sending




On Sat, 24 Aug 2019 at 10:04 PM, Davor Spasoski < 
<> > wrote:



I’m rarely using Postman for simple HTTP calls. Try using curl -H


BTW, kannel does state that you need to set the content type in a header not 
the xml payload and you should do so with the enoding as in the xm example, the 
encoding is not set within the xml.


"Note: Don't forget to set POST Content-Type to text/xml!"

On Aug 24, 2019, at 14:34, Rasika Udayanga < 
<> > wrote:


Dear Davor,

I’m kind of confused. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

As per the Kannal user guide I should send an XML document when I do POST for 
bulk sending. Please refer below screenshot of the Postman that I’m trying to 
send the request through.





When I try to use text/html instead of text/xml smsbox failed with below PANIC 


2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request 
</cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>

2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] DEBUG: Status: 403 Answer: <Authorization 
failed for sendsms>

2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] PANIC: gwlib/octstr.c:2504: seems_valid_real: 
Assertion `ostr->data != NULL' failed. (Called from 

2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/smsbox(gw_panic+0x147) 

2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/smsbox() [0x43d2f0]

2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] PANIC: 
/usr/local/sbin/smsbox(octstr_destroy+0x1d) [0x43f2dd]

2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/smsbox() [0x412784]

2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/smsbox() [0x43331e]

2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] PANIC: /lib64/ 

2019-08-24 17:17:06 [27859] [3] PANIC: /lib64/ 


Please help me to understand where I go wrong. Appreciate if you can share me a 
working sample of the XML POST that I can test with.



Rasika Udayanga



From: Davor Spasoski [ <>] 
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2019 1:47 PM
To: Rasika Udayanga
Cc:  <>
Subject: Re: Send "Sinhala" Letters (Unicode) via Kannel XML Post 


Did you try declaring the encoding in the HTTP POST header like this: 


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> ?


On Aug 24, 2019, at 08:01, Rasika Udayanga < <>> wrote:


Dear Davor 

Thank you and appreciate your prompt response.


Yes, as shown below I tried without url encoding the payload and even removing 
the encoding tag from the XML document. BUT STILL NO LUCK


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?>














Please assist.


Sent on the move. Please excuse typos.



On Aug 23, 2019, at 8:11 PM, Davor Spasoski < <>> wrote:

Have you tried not url-encoding the payload? 

Your form may already encode the entire xml.




On Aug 23, 2019, at 14:12, Rasika Udayanga < <>> wrote:



I’m trying to send Sinhala (Sri Lankan) letters through Kannel and that works 
perfectly with GET method with coding 2 and charset utf-8



Have you tried not url-encoding the payload? 

Your form may already encode the entire xml.




On Aug 23, 2019, at 14:12, Rasika Udayanga < <>> wrote:



I’m trying to send Sinhala (Sri Lankan) letters through Kannel and that works 
perfectly with GET method with coding 2 and charset utf-8




When I try to send as a XML Post as shown below (having message text 
url-encoded and without encoded), the messages are delivered to IPhone BUT NOT 


Can someone please assist me as to where I’m doing wrong here. 


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?>















<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?>















Rasika Udayanga





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Thanks & Regards,


Confucius once said,
    "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."

Leonardo da Vinci once said,
    "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

Albert Einstein once said,
    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."


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