Den tors 3 aug. 2023 kl 00:33 skrev Brooks, Bruce <>:

> I have recently purchased a new computer with the latest and greatest
> Windows 11 operating system. My old computer ran windows 11 and the
> LibreOffice path was C:\Users\Bruce's
> Lenovo5\OneDrive\Documents\Joanne\Goals for reading the bible.odt does
> not exist. The directory that it points to is basically up through
> C:\Users\Bruce's Lenovo5\OneDrive\Documents.
> With the new system it is "Bruce - Personal\Documents". All my files and
> folders are there but; LibreOffice can't find them. When I double click
> the file in folders it will open in LibreOffice and will save back
> correctly. The next time the file can't be found.
> How do I fix this? I tried to do the file path edit but that didn't seem
> to work.

I don't have Windows, and I never will, but exactly how do you open your
If you just click open and then navigate to the file and open it, it should
just open it.
If you click the ▼ symbol next to the open button and select it from there,
you are probably selecting the wrong file. I don't know what's the best way
to fix that, but here's what I would do:
Click the ▼ symbol next to the Open icon, then click Clear List (since the
stuff in the list are useless anyway), or if you prefer working with menus,
File → Recent Documents → Clear List.
Now open the document you want to work with, either by double clicking it
in your file manager (do they still call it ”explorer”?) or just File →
Open and then navigate to your document, or by clicking the Open icon and
then navigate to your file.
Next time you open LibreOffice, that file should be in your Recent
Documents list and you should be able to open it from there.
So basically you need to build your list of documents from scratch.

Or, if you really don't want to clear your list, you can search and replace
the old path with the new one in your registrymodifications.xcu file. On my
system it's at ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu, but
I don't have a clue where Windows stores it. You could probably just search
for the file name in your file manager.

Anyway, inside that file, search for:
There's one line like that for each instance in your documents list.
Note that spaces in file names are represented with %20.
In your case I would try to do a ”search and replace all” like this:
Search for: C:\Users\Bruce's%20Lenovo5\OneDrive\
Replace with: Bruce%20-%20Personal\

If nothing is found, double check the line after the ”<item oor:path= … ”
line, there you should see the exact path.

*Important: DO A BACKUP OF THAT FILE BEFORE EDITING IT!* For instance, just
copy it to the same folder.
Of course you should do (incremental) backups every day (or after every
session) anyway, so that part should be fine already, but an extra backup
never hurts!
● First BACKUP!
● Then do the wild stuff.
● If the wild stuff fails, bring back the backed up file and try again, or
give up and try the other method above, the ”clearing the documents list”

As I said, this is what I would do, not saying this is the only or best
way, and *I take no responsibility whatsoever if something bad happens*.

Just to be extra safe, I'll try this myself before hitting Send.

I tried it now. I have 25 lines of recent documents (adjustable in the
settings) and I found a few dead ones (files that doesn't exist anymore)
and one wrong spelled file. I removed the lines for the missing files,
there are two lines for each files, and then I corrected the misspelled
file name. LibreOffice needs to be closed to do this, otherwise LibreOffice
will write the old stuff back to that file before quitting. I did that
mistake, so I needed to do the search and replace twice. But apart from
that mistake (which didn't break anything, by the way), it all worked fine:
● Close all instances of LibreOffice (just make sure you don't have any
LibreOffice windows open).
● Do the search and replace in your registrymodifications.xcu file (which
is a text file, by the way) using your favourite plain text editor.
● Save your registrymodifications.xcu.
● Open LibreOffice.
If you did your search and replace correctly (can be tricky if you don't
know what you are doing, I guess), all your items in your documents list
should now just work (unless something more is wrong with them, for
instance the file was deleted or renamed or something). If not, you did
something wrong.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> Thanks,
> Bruce Brooks
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