On 08/04/2014 04:43 AM, Tim wrote:
On Sun, 2014-08-03 at 23:59 -0400, bruce wrote:
if i plug in a usb wifi.. and NM comes up, and I can access a network
via the dongle.. then yeah, I'd argue that you can determine if the
dongle is supported by linux fedora by plugging it in!
Ordinarily, I'd agree with that.  However, if USB dongles are anything
like dial-up modems used to be (external or internal), the chipsets used
in particular models were not consistent.  e.g. Out of a specific model
number modem, some of them could be Lucent chipsets, the rest something

So, if you went through a bin of gadgets, you'd actually have to try
them all, rather than just try one out of each model range.

D-link use to be very bad this way. They would change chip set and not change even the product model number. So you would go to update the firmware and brick your adapter. They have since figured out that you really need to keep your consumer informed.

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