On 08/04/2014 07:32 AM, Jens Neu wrote:

On 08/04/2014 05:20 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I spent 30 min going through all the 'clearance' open boxes at MicroCenter today with my notebook, trying to see if any came up as supported. None did. I went to the section with the unopen items and found the Asus claiming Linux support. So much for that; looks like you have to build it yourself and hope for the best.

So is there a USB 11n dongle that IS supported and can be had for < $20? Actually an external antenna is a plus as it will be on a server that at times will be a client and times an AP.

I can recommend this one:

installed quite a few of these, all worked great, no obscure chipsets encountered (yet), cheap and has external antenna.

I am pretty sure this is one that I found in the returned bin and tested and it was not working. So it is possible I was doing something wrong or there is something needed to install?

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