I asked:

> Is there a way to keep the power management function active even
> when no one is logged into the console?

On 08/02/2014 08:19 AM, Tim wrote:

> Perhaps you can configure power management options for the kdm user
> (that which the KDM logon screen runs as)?  Assuming that kdm works
> in a similar way as GDM does.

So far as I can tell, there is no KDM user. Certainly there is no such
user in /etc/passwd and no active process has such an owner. It appears
that the login screen runs as root. In any case, KDE is not running
until someone logs in. You can observe the KDE startup process after

So, although I mentioned that the machine uses KDE, I doubt that is
relevant. I'm just trying to get a laptop, plugged into mains power,
never to go into a suspended state, whether or not someone is logged
into its console. As the machine is on the network, it is possible for a
remote user to cause a reboot. After that, even if the KDE power manager
was running for a console user before the boot, it isn't running after
the boot, so KDE's power management can't help at that time.

Perhaps I'm asking the wrong question or implying an answer that isn't
helpful. Rather than my initial question, perhaps I should have asked,

Is there a way to prevent an unattended laptop from going into suspend
even when no one is logged into the console?
        Dave Close
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