On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 10:45 AM, CLOSE Dave
<dave.cl...@us.thalesgroup.com> wrote:
> I have some laptops running F20/KDE which, among other purposes, are
> acting as gateways to a private network. Most of the time these laptops
> are unattended -- no one is logged into the console -- but the gateway
> function must continue to run so that remote users can reach the private
> network. So I need to prevent these laptops from going to sleep.
> It appears that KDE's power management function applies to the user
> logged into the console. If a user is logged in, I can easily prevent
> sleep. But if the user logs out or the laptop is booted by a remote
> user, no power management seems to be active and they eventually go to
> sleep.

What display manager are you using?  `systemctl show
display-manager.service -pId` will tell you.

KDM is the default display manager on the Fedora KDE spin, and KDM is
ancient and crufty and doesn't even do power management, so I don't
think you're using it?

I'm pretty sure you have to either be using GDM or lightdm to even
have power management on the login screen, in which case switching to
KDM (`yum install kdm && systemctl enable --force kdm.service`) would
be an easy workaround.

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