Am 04.07.2023 08:03, schrieb Philip Rhoades:
> On 2023-07-04 09:03, Michael Heydekamp wrote:
>> Ah, now I see what you mean. Yeah, that would be an idea, but I'm afraid the
>> devs won't do anything on the Classic interface anymore.
> I thought that might be the case - how hard would it be to hack it myself? - 
> and if I could do it, could my version replace the current Classic version?

I can't tell how hard it is, I was programming in Borland Pascal decades ago
and do have no clue about PHP and JavaScript. But looking at the code may
always help. ;)

I did just a few editor-related hacks in some .js config files to make
Roundcube usable for me again. Once these files replace the original ones,
the changes take effect. The same will of course apply to the source code.

But looking at your screenshot again, I think I now know why they did it
that way: If you use the Classic IF on a smartphone (which I still do),
there will not be enough horizontal space for al items.

Michael Heydekamp
Roundcube Users mailing list

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